#MattGaetz #DrainsTheSwamp #Maga #ExposeTheDemocrats #StopTheDemocrats2021 #StopCensorship #TheGreatAwakwening
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Spread the warning!! Do not fall into evil traps!! Good read and informative.
“That simply doesn’t exist on the Right. We do have 150 Million people with guns who will act to defend our rights and o... View More
Ina Marlow and Christopher VanOrman like this.
#HunterBidenLaptop #NancyPelosiIsATerrorist #DemocratsAreTerrorists #SeanHannity #HunterBidenIsAPedophile
Payback? Hannity Just Issued Bone-Chilling Threat to Dems Involving Hunter's Laptop - WayneDupree.com
Remember Hunter’s laptop? TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Well, it looks like it may be making a comeback with a vengeance…a “soul-crushing” vengeance, according to Fox News pe
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#NancyPelosi arrested? #DianaDegette to take over as speaker of the house!
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#MitchMcconellIsATraitor and he looks to the man behind him for confirmation to continue with the rollout of the Elitists plan. ? pay attention.
#TheIlluminatiIsReal #satanicpedophilesyndicate #libe... View More
Mitch McConnell is Illuminati
#MitchMcconellIsATraitor and he looks to the man behind him for confirmation to continue with the rollout of the Elitists plan. ? pay attention.
#TheIlluminatiIsReal #satanicpedophilesyndicate #liberalsarepedovores #mitchmcconnellisilluminati #TheGreatAwakwening #thestormisuponus
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Facts we will not be fooled by your bullshit.
#StopTheSteal2021 #StopTheDemocrats2021 #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenSucks
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The videos from Hunters laptop have been leaked on Gtv.org for months now and he has been exposed but the ljnk was blocked from the other social media companies.
#SaveOurChildren #SaveOurChildrenWor... View More
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This is my latest short podcast epsoode on the latest topic about free speech and more.
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The Attack on Free Speech From The radical left is insane by Real Sauce Real Talk • A podcast on Anchor
These past few weeks the attack on Free Speech, our constitution, and our president from the radical left and big tech have been nothing short of absolutely insanity. Now they are trying to state that
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