Kelly JJ
Lee Wheelbarger of KLW World Network News is trying to reach . He’s tracking military flights of immigrants live between San Antonio/El Paso/Del Ray on Rumble. If anyone is personally c... View More
Tri Com
Everyone needs to hear this!! The traitors in the White House are lying to us, as always!! They are pulling out of Afghanistan- they are NOT helping anyone anymore, and they’re coming after the Nazari... View More
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Tri Com
Formal announcement @ Take Back America Rally in AL, “TRUMP 2024”!!!!!!! ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ??
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Tri Com
Biden filling planes with bus loads of illegals to scatter them among the states!! ??
Tri Com
There IS a CARTEL WAR happening on AMERICAN soil!! People in towns that are close to and on the border are too afraid to go to the store because they’re afraid they’ll be killed. People are being murd... View More
Tri Com
???????❤️ I wonder if Americans from out of state can be deputized to help? I mean it IS a country disaster!! If someone holds a conceal carry permit in their state, they’ve been vetted, so it would s... View More
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Tri Com
I’m mostly mad that Biden and administration are doing NOTHING to STOP it NOR HELP the children!! We all KNOW WHY not!! He said what it said and KNEW what would transpire!! ? ? Keep up the great work... View More
Tri Com
MUST WATCH!! I’ve been watching Will for a long time and he IS one of the BEST AND MOST HONEST reporters. I have shared some of his and Ben Berquam’s videos from the broder before, but this interview.... View More
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Kelly JJ
The Wall in #Mexico- #Migrant camp in Tijuana Oscar Streaming live!
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