Thanks please Subscribe follow like comment sharehttps://www.orbys.net/pages/656Our President is back at the White House. Keep praying folks. Testing live via ipad air while uploading to a page on a 2008 MacBook Pro Tested Safary browser on OSX 10.7.5
Thanks please Subscribe follow like comment sharehttps://www.orbys.net/pages/656Our President is back at the White House. Keep praying folks. Testing live via ipad air while uploading to a page on a 2
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Re orbys.net landing page for new users
Text from my friend re invite:
"No thanks. i don‘t know website is for and they require my info before telling me. crazy!"
... View More
Dezri Dean likes this.
Testng “live” or video recording function via page unable to confirm will try find live stream using ipad
Comment like share subscribe thank you Johnny Quiñones
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The screen on iPhone when black and turned off recording. Not live.
October 4, 2020
Will show it using our tablet next time around.
Orbys platform streaming testing Thanks for the alternative, I am glad I can share my videos via text or messenger without them having to be members. App review, earlier live stream attempt and other thing
Orbys platform streaming testing Thanks for the alternative, I am glad I can share my videos via text or messenger without them having to be members. App review, earlier live stream attempt and othe
Jennie Cunningham and Lee Phillips like this.
How to setup videos
This is our YouTube Channel to share How-to's and other promotional information. Thanks for being here
But sorry I forgot.. let me see if i can show you.
But sorry I forgot.. let me see if i can show you.
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Cornerstone Community Church on Facebook Watch https://orbys.net/healingtv/?link-id=82207
Attempted live stream thru Orbison failed 2 times this morning. This is the FB live link
Will keep trying it ... View More
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Testing upload from iOS iPhone 7 device using Chrome to access orbys.net
It said file too large attempting to upload a 9 min video , I am trying this 8 minute video Karina’s Clubhouse Dance Studio s... View More
Karina’s Clubhouse Dance Studio segment during her PE Virtual School Time at healingtv.org lets hope this test works
Testing upload from iOS iPhone 7 device using Chrome to access orbys.net
It said file too large attempting to upload a 9 min video , I am trying this 8 minute video Karina’s Clubhouse Dance Studio segment during her PE Virtual School Time at healingtv.org lets hope this test works.
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Updates orbys platform functions testing oct032k20
Iphone photos are uploading
Videos under 10 minutes are uploading to timeline and pages
Will keep testing, thanks fir sharing.
Billie R Stiffler and James Morgan like this.
A few video and photo issues I noticed
Using macOs and IOS devices
IMG_2689 Johnny Quiñones's Timeline Photos
Johnny Quiñones's Photo from 1601688797: IMG_2689.To Alberto Esperon and orbys.net development team. Thanks for all you do to create a true option in social media.I was attempting to upload cov
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