Tri Com
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Tri Com
TOMORROW: Dems Voting To Advance Gun Confiscation Bill!
Tri Com
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Tri Com
Tri Com
Everyone needs to hear this!! The traitors in the White House are lying to us, as always!! They are pulling out of Afghanistan- they are NOT helping anyone anymore, and they’re coming after the Nazari... View More
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Tri Com
Formal announcement @ Take Back America Rally in AL, “TRUMP 2024”!!!!!!! #Trump2024 #LetsGo #USA #TakeBackAmericaMovement ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ??
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Tri Com
Please, listen to this!! Jan 6th.......hmmm If you know anyone who’s in jail or was arrested Jan 6th, find out if they’ll talk to Steve.
Tri Com
Tri Com
Sign the petition and pass it on!!!!
Tri Com
My family and I will not wear masks (have not), we will not take the vaccine, we will submit to the one and only GOD and we will defy tyrants!!!! ???????❤️ View More
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