Publish Date: July 18, 2022
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Asia Branch
I agree!!! A license to have a gun at all is unconstitutional. I agree that the guns must be registered so the police need to know who are legally armed citizens; so put that I'm a gun owner on my state I.D or drivers license and have it in your system. I should not have to jump through hoops for th... View More
Like August 3, 2022
Over the lies, and the fools. I Said It w/ Host Archelle Branch. #americafirst #saveamerica #2a #Christ
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Enjoy the rerun of the pilot episode of Tonight w Tesa Monie; how we the people see the world is important when we try to change it. Have a laugh and enjoy!! #Toofunny #Funnybcuzitstrue
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This is an episode of Asia's Opinion; it may be old but the message is still quite relevant considering us small owned businesses must fight the satanic corruption of major corporations and conglomera... View More
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Jerry kruger
Like July 23, 2022
Jerry kruger
did you go live here and i missed it? or is this an upload?
Like July 23, 2022
Jerry kruger
good job, i have missed seeing you speak common truth sense
Like July 23, 2022
Gloria Kruger
glad to see you over here, can't wait to see your live shows....
Like July 23, 2022
Gloria Kruger
you go girl, spot on true
Like July 23, 2022
evette colon
wow i love brand new talent over here where there 100% free speech
Like July 23, 2022
evette colon
welcome to freedom Archelle
Like July 23, 2022
evette colon
opps i guess this is Asia? sisters? cool
Like July 23, 2022
Jerry kruger
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updated their cover photo.
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Gloria Kruger
Like July 18, 2022
updated their profile photo.
 and 1 other person likes this.
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evette colon
i can't wait to see your first video here :fa4 remember to speak freely
Like July 18, 2022
Gloria Kruger
me too
Like July 18, 2022
evette colon
have jerry show you how to set it up
Like July 18, 2022
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