Clickbaiterz Bridge MONSTER Challenge! **Catch, Clean, & Cook**
Clickbaiterz Bridge MONSTER Chalenge! **Catch, Clean, & Cook**
Iván Ramos Toretto likes this.
First Time Using a FLY ROD! Can't Believe What I Caught!
First Time Using a FLY ROD! Can't Believe What I Caught!Clickbaiterz vid https://youtu.be/Uc-4TIuaGS8Get your waterland sunglasses hookup- Use promo...
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This BRIDGE MONSTER Ate a GIANT Bait! **New Boat PB**
I Caught The Biggest BRIDGE MONSTER Of The Year! **Huge Bait**Clickbaiterz vid https://youtu.be/Uc-4TIuaGS8Get your waterland sunglasses hookup- Use...
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I Caught a SURPRISING MONSTER at the BRIDGE *Catch, Clean, and Cook*
I Caught a SURPRISING MONSTER at the BRIDGE *Catch, Clean, and Cook*https://www.cool-ven.com/use code CMR11
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These BRIDGE Fish Were MASSIVE! **Catch&Cook**
We Caught GIANTS On EVERY Cast! **Catch&Cook**
Get your first Mystery Tackle Box for as low as $10 using code BEARDEDBRAD here- https://mtbfish.com/beardedbrad
Save money on all your tackle here- https://gokarls.com/beardedbrad
Save 15% at waterlandco.com using code BB15
FishGum- https://fishgum.com
Salty Pompano Rigs- https://beardedbradfishing.com
Freddys channel- https://youtube.com/channel/UCczqP11Tq1XOEqUP9yiY_YA
SURF FISHING GEAR I USE- amazon links are affiliate links
Penn Battle 3-https://amzn.to/2VGWgdQ
Penn Pursuit 3- https://amzn.to/3fR4w1y
Beach cart- https://amzn.to/3AB6c7e
Yo-zuri crystal minnow-https://amzn.to/3lV0uZV
GoPro Hero 8- https://amzn.to/2VE8gg9
Music by Epidemic Sound- https://www.epidemicsound.com
#hurricaneida #troutfishing #gulfshoresfishing
Iván Ramos Toretto likes this.
We SMASHED Fish During a Hurricane! (Crazy PHENOMENON)
Does Salt Strong SLAM SHADY Even Work??? (Crazy PHENOMENON)
Try Slam Shady for FREE: https://bit.ly/slamshady
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My BIGGEST Sea Monster EVER (Multiple New PBs)
My BIGGEST Sea Monster EVER (Multiple New PBs)
Recommend Surf Fishing Gear:
Waterland Sunglasses: https://bit.ly/2GQgN7E (Use Promo Code BEACHBUM for 15% Off)
Fishbites: http://bit.ly/Fishbites
10’ Bummy Stick: https://bit.ly/bummystick
If you want to send me cool stuff:
1545 Gulf Shores Pkwy #135
Gulf Shores, AL 36542
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Fishing Secret BEACH With Cut Bait For Giant Reef Fish! **Never Before Seen**
Save 15% at waterlandco.com using code BB15
Tony's channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwutwGfHyLloVtWwn19zS6g
Smitty's channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/b8chsr
Clickbaiterz- ht
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Clickbaiterz Attempt to Catch a World Record! **Embarrassing Consequence**
Clickbaiterz Attempt to Catch a World Record! **Embarrassing Consequence**
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What’s up everybody BlueGabe here!
We’re in Jupiter Florida catch Venomous LIONFISH by HAND!!!!
For more information on Gator Coolers go to https://gatrcoolers.com/
They can put any picture or logo you want on any of their awesome coolers just by clicking "CUSTOMIZE' after clicking on the size and color cooler you'd like.
Use promo code BlueGabe to save 10% off your entire order.
For more information about Cmor Maps go to https://www.cmormapping.com/
Use promo code BlueGabe to save 10% off
For all Danco Products go to https://www.dancopliers.com/category-s/102.htm
Use promo code BLUEGABE for 10% off
For all my Favorite Rods including my *Ol Salty* go to https://favoriteusa.com/
Use promo codeBLUEGABE to save 20%
For more information or to order some Beyond Braid go to https://beyondbraid.com/ use promo code BlueGabe to save 10%
For more info on the lights I have on my Prodrive boat go to https://outriggeroutdoors.com/
Use promo code BLUEGABE to save 10% off all orders
For more information about vacuum sealer I use go to https://outriggeroutdoors.com/
Use promo code BLUEGABE to save 10%
For all of the Frogg Togg gear we use go to https://www.froggtoggs.com/
Use promo code BLUEGABE for 20% off.
For more information on ProDrive boats go to https://prodriveoutboards.com/
Tell them Bluegabe sent ya.
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