These are good doctors scientist will qualify https://beforeitsnews.com/health/2021/07/breaking-45000-dead-from-experimental-covid-shot-in-just-72-hours-major-lawsuit-filed-must-video-3040618.html bre... View More
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Praise the Lord last few times I've heard spoke little or zilch was said Must remain going in this direction If Donald wants to run and win in he must immediately stop the vaccine charade. For this Covid-19 vaccine has officially put the world on a death spiral
Praise the Lord last few times I've heard spoke little or zilch was said Must remain going in this direction If Donald wants to run and win in he must immediately stop the vaccine charade. For this Covid-19 vaccine has officially put the world on a death spiral
??Se triplican las muertes por COVID de pacientes completamente vacunados, informan los CDC de EE. UU.
Durante el último mes, las muertes y hospitalizaciones por la infección producida por el COVID-19, también conocido como virus PCCh, se han triplicado en Estados Unidos entre aquellas personas com... View More
June 9, 2021
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