Will Johnson
on February 3, 2021 34 views
15 people like this.
All Liberals must Die a Fast Cruel Death !!!!!
Like February 4, 2021
By the way, Will Johnsons Live feed ain't Feeding
Like February 4, 2021
Came on here to listen to Will from Tube....too many liberals on you Tube
Like February 4, 2021
Will knows who I am....I don't play
Like February 4, 2021
Will's feed is Frozen like AOC's Balls
Like February 4, 2021
I have to listen to Will's feed on fucking facebook
Like February 4, 2021
Glad that there is an Orbys ! a great plataform In which People can have freedom of expression. As to be a source of reliable & Truth information without censurations. Another positive good way to connect America!!?????
Like February 4, 2021
I like it now that I have sound.
Like February 4, 2021 Edited
Robin I castle
I love this site. Like minds that believe in the right way to live in america with God in our hearts and unity in our Red White and Blue Souls
Like February 4, 2021
Mary Dagostino
Will, I like Orbys a lot. I am not on anything a lot right now. I am still on Facebook, because I have friends around the world on it, plus a couple of group things, but I am NOT spending any money on there, anymore. The censorship is unbelievable. I still share some political stuff but nobody s... View More
Like February 4, 2021