Ramon Pena
on January 20, 2021 46 views
Witness me switching parties
20 people like this.
Jim T Thomson
I thought id never see anyone weaker then jimmy carter to hold office smh ?
Like January 20, 2021
Fidel Benitez
Hi! Ramon. Thanks for speak about me, you are a lovely man
Like January 20, 2021
Ramon Pena
I had to give you props. Thank you for the great music.
Like January 20, 2021
It doesn't matter what party you're in as long as the same machines and people are counting the votes.
Like January 20, 2021
Julián Cañas Nieto TGFL?
Hello everybody???
Like January 20, 2021
Good ???????????????????????????????? I’m gonna concider. I’m very angry about the betrayal from Republicans to We the people. A complete disgrace!!!! ?
Like January 20, 2021 Edited
Ramon Pena
This is my way of shaking them up but in the end i respect everyones decision
Like January 20, 2021
Albert Sanchez
First of all the only betrayal here was by the Democratic party & biden fallowers or did you forget about all the chaos & the burning of peoples hard earned businesses & lively hoods that they detroyed Yet you dare to condem the Republicans for only one inccident & so i guess your saying that break... View More
Like January 21, 2021
Por que Mulet no transmite por aqui?
Like January 20, 2021
Jose Diaz
I think we’re going to see a new political partie soon
Like January 21, 2021 Edited
Jobby Rivera
Ramon, eso no es agua ?... es Tito Vodka ??
Like January 21, 2021