Study Uncovers How Milankovitch Cycles Work Predicting Next Ice Age
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Hossenfelder's Bombshell: Fraud in High Energy Physics
An email reveals what I have been saying for long....
Hossenfelder's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shFUDPqVmTg
My books: www.amazon.com/Alexander-Unzicker/e/B00DQCRYYY/
Mind also my backup
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I was asked to keep this confidential
Use code sabine at https://incogni.com/sabine to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan!
I want to read you an email that I was asked to keep confidential because I think it explains some of
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Earth is getting colder: CO2 is in decline. These are facts from the geological record. The climate scam is a massive propaganda campaign run by UN socialists & rich globalists at the WEF. Earth faces... View More
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How Woke Warriors Destroyed Anthropology - Elizabeth Weiss
Watch the full recording of Day 1 of the conference https://youtu.be/Qif_dWaLnbc
From Censorship in the Sciences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives conference at the University of Southern California, Do
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A New Ice Age For Europe Is Becoming More Likely
Want to restore the planet’s ecosystems and see your impact in monthly videos? The first 200 people to join Planet Wild with my code SABINE21 will get the first month for free at https://planetwild.co
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The CO2 canard is coming apart at the seams
In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping emissions (methane, nitrous oxide, and some other stuff) are pollutants under the Clean Air Act and that the government has
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