

Lucretia Hughes
Alicia Curry
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Erika Blas
#FBI took 11 sets of #classifieddocuments from #Trump's #MaraLago home, including some highly #classifiedmaterial The search warrant identifies three federal crimes that the Justice Department is loo... View More
Alicia Curry
QueenMa'atGirl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: The Witch Hunt and Persecution of Steve Bannon, And What It Means! #witchhunt #stevebannon #donaldtrump #maga #globalists #january6thnonselectcommittee #co... View More
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Alicia Curry
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Gloria Kruger
youtube is not letting me see it :[ is it set to private?
Like May 16, 2022
evette colon
i can't get the youtube page to work either, it says video can't be played
Like May 16, 2022
Jerry kruger
it seems i can see it, but i have a youtube account so i went to a browser that i am not logged into my youtube and it is not letting me see it there, seems they are cutting down her pages numbers, or this videos from being seen as much
Like May 16, 2022
Jerry kruger
Like May 16, 2022
Jerry kruger
it turns out he was a dem, and the fbi and cops knew he was crazy. and had been arrested many times before
Like May 16, 2022
Jerry kruger
you got the real numbers, shh the media mite learn something
Like May 16, 2022
Jerry kruger
this is only about an hour from where Gloria and i live
Like May 16, 2022
Jerry kruger
i think they want this to go to trial, so the media can talk about this for months
Like May 16, 2022
Jerry kruger
amen Patriot
Like May 16, 2022
Adri c
Like this card hasn’t been played since 2016 when he was elected ??‍♀️ the #witchhunt will never end not even when they steal an election #youdontscarehim #trumpisstillyourpresidente #electionfrauds ... View More
Alexie McQueen
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