WHY FvH? Why now?
First, Humate is a safe material and exists in all soils, plants and animals. It is natural to the food chain and plays a role in the composting of dead matter into nutrients, trans... View MoreWHY FvH? Why now?
First, Humate is a safe material and exists in all soils, plants and animals. It is natural to the food chain and plays a role in the composting of dead matter into nutrients, transfer of minerals and other roles within the living organism. Many technical papers attest to humate's safety. Scientist at the Drepropetrovish Agricultural Institute in Moscow revealed humate harmless with respect to blood, cardio-vascular system, endocrine system and other vitally important organs using patho-histological and histochemical methods. Humate does not cause allergic reactions, anaphylaxis (unexpected reactions) to other medicines; it is an apyrogen. Humate does not have embryo-toxic properties.
Humates within the body work with DNA and cellular division. It has been noted that the humate tends to prevent cellular mutation during reproduction. Several technical papers were noted during literature research for this paper regarding cancer research with humates. Natural humic acid administered prophylacticly to rats can decrease significantly the amount of gastric mucus damage induced with ethanol. Humic acid also
significantly accelerated the healing process of experimentally induced ulcers.
Humates are known to stimulate microbial activity. In soil testing for microbial activity, levels increased 400 to 5000 times with the introduction of humate (300 ppm) into the soil. Humates added to feed rations stimulate the microbial growth and the extent can be quite large depending upon the species, the culture medium, and the environment (45) Humic substances have been also known to exhibit anti-microbial properties.
Species for which natural humic substances have been shown to be inhibitory include C. albican, Ent. Cloacac, Prot. Vulgaris, Ps. Aeruginosa, S. typhimurium, St. aureus, St. epidermidis, and Str (12) pyogenes. It seems that within the body, humates stimulate
the "good" microbes while suppressing the "bad" microbes.
Immube System
Humates bolster the immune system. Dr. Daryl See, MD, formerly an Immunologist of UCI Medical School, suggests that the mechanism is related to the humates ability to complex (assemble) sugars within the body. The abundance of these complexed sugars allows the body to manufacture glycoproteins that attach to the killer and T cell acting as a modulator or communication link between the cells. This regulates the immune system cells and prevents either the T or Killer cells from becoming out of balance. Excessive killer cells can attack bone and joints causing arthritis. Conversely, excessive T cells can cause auto-immune diseases.
Along this same line, burn victims and radiation sickness experience immune system responses that attack the bodies dead cells creating unwanted infections. Humates cause the immune system to recognize its own dead cells thereby reducing
infection. Baylor Medical School is currently researching humates both topically applied and internally dosed for burn victims to reduce infections. Russian scientists are using the same principle for the treatment of radiation sickness. Sodium humate has been found to increase the lifespan of mongrel rats exposed to lethal doses of cobalt radiation.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Humic acids isolated from peat exhibited significant efficacy for adhesions when tested on female rats that had standardized lesions placed on both uterine horns and the peritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall.
Humic subdtances are known yo show anti-inflammatory properties, even cerviticitic has been trested with humic substances.
Not only does the humate relieve swelling from joint inflammation, it has been shown to bond to the collagen fibers to aid in repair of damaged tendons and bone. Tendon strength has
(9) (48) been shown to increase by as much as 75% .
Humates are effective media additives for the production of antibodies in the soil. Himic substances have long been (45) known to exhibit antiviral properties (44) in particular rhinoviruses(35)
Viral pathogens for which soil-extract materials have been shown to be effective include in particular Coxsackie virus A9 (34) (10) (11) (21) (29) (36) (37) ,Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 , , , , ,and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) , , , , and (39)
influenza type A and B (22), (35), (38), and (40), as well as other respiratory tract infections (22) (30) (31) (38) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) , , , , and
The mechanism whereby humic substances inhibit the
cytopathicity of a number of viruses has been studied in some depth. It is thought that the materials prevent viral replicating by sorbing onto the viral envelope protein and thereby blocking the sorption of viral particles to cell (31) surfaces .
Humic acids have also been employed as veterinary medicine therapy successfully employing peat mull (extracted humic acid) (33) to prevent the transmission of foot and mouth disease in pigs .
Humate is a pharmacy that raises non-specific organism resistance. This fact was confirmed by using such models as atoxic anemia, toxic hepatitis, peptic ulcer and (15) hypercholesterolemia.
Liver Effects
The effect of natural humic acid on the regenerative response of liver tissue has been examined in rats submitted to two-thirds hipatectomy. Long term application of humic acid resulted in the stimulation of omithine decarboxylase, an increase in spermidine
and histamine as well as DNA and RNA levels, and in overall (50) liver mass. Humic as well as fulvic acids extracted from peat have been shown to stimulate respiration in rat liver mitochondria when present at concentrations of 40-360
micrograms per ml. Humic substances at concentrations of 40- 400 micrograms per ml. also increased the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria in vitro, particularly after contacts periods of over one hour (51). A large part of the humate takes an active part in the liver
metabolism. The use of humate plays a role in the liver function (15) and protects it somewhat from disease and/or disturbances.
Male, aged 63, Boyd, Texas. "I feel I need to respond about the wonderful qualities I have found in my six plus years use of your natural humate product. I found my skin and complexion to improve; the graying in my hair changed to the deeper richer color of my original hair color and my all around health has improved greatly. I haven't been to the doctor in years, no colds, allergies, etc.
Male, aged 72, Fort Worth, Texas. This individual has been taking the humate for a period of 7 years. Before and during the period he has been taking the humate, he has taken a yearly physical under the same doctor. These physicals require two to three days in the hospital for testing, poking and probing. The doctor was notified of the humate and has watched for signs of body change from the 30 years of history accumulated on this individual. Yearly medical reports from the doctor indicate the overall health of the individual has improved. Blood oxygen has increased and fatty cholesterol levels have lowered without changes in diet. Heart functions have improved on a yearly basis. The doctor has noted no ill effects from the humate and has advised the individual to remain on his current regimen of humate. During the seven years, the individual has only experienced one case of sinusitis and no cases of flu or colds.
Female, aged 38. Raton, New Mexico. This individual has had a history of anemia. After 60 days on humate, the anemia conditions went away. That was five years ago and the condition has not returned. Her doctor has confirmed these facts and now recommends humate for his patients with anemia problems
Female, aged 13. Cincinnati, Ohio. This young female was experiencing anemia. She had received the humate from a friend and began taking it without her parent's knowledge. Her father is a medical doctor and learned of her activities during a physical examination. The anemia was not present and he questioned her to see what lifestyle changes she may have made. The doctor, after researching, now commonly prescribes humate to help build up his patients health.
Where do you get some FvH?
Talk to me to get started on the HIGHEST QUALITY health stamp of approval FVh on the planet. Costing on average $30 a month per person.
And as always...
DISCLAIMER: This group/page presents a collection of statements from around the world about the benefits of Humic Acid. This information is provided for informational purposes only. These statements were variously made over several decades of time. There are many sources of Humic Acid around the globe, and they differ significantly in their physical and chemical properties.
This group does not intend to provide medical advice, nor does it intend to suggest that all Humic Acid preparations will be of equal benefit.
The FDA has not evaluated any statement made on this group. (((But they have stated under oath and in front of congress, “If you think we are for the people, you’d be sorely wrong. We are for BigFarm and BigCorp.”))).
The information herein is not intended to diagnose any disease, nor is it intended to prescribe any preparation that claims to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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