

Alicia Curry
Alicia Curry
QueenMa'atGirl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: The Witch Hunt and Persecution of Steve Bannon, And What It Means! #witchhunt #stevebannon #donaldtrump #maga #globalists #january6thnonselectcommittee #co... View More
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Alicia Curry
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents White Wednesdays: Ethan Klein The Leftist Anti American Double Standard! #infowars #ethanklein #globalists #guncontrol #enslavement #freedom #maga #queenmaatgirltv #hatespeec... View More
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Clifton Hodges
Here's something that's not well known to many Western-World "Bible Believers", a video of Vladimir #Putin quoting the #Bible (John 15:13) at a rally in celebration of the return of #Crimea to the #Ru... View More
Alicia Curry
Why do black lives only matter when a black thug dies, but not when black innocent men and women of means die? #BLM #Lies #NieshaBrazell #blackonblackviolence #democraticparty #globalists #LebronJames
Martin Rayburn
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