

Golok Z Buday
Endless social liberal absolutist nonsense, "You must celebrate..." wrong no one has to like anyone or what anyone does, they just can't use force to stop you from doing what they don't like. #liberty... View More
The Black Jester
#Grindr's promo. It's all love, not just jumping on any dirty dick and trusting your luck and #BigPharma #pride #PrEP #LGB #GLBT #LGBT #LGBTI #lgbtq
Huffinglue Post
Huffinglue Post
Huffinglue Post
Trudeau Marches In Saudi Pride: Announces Sharia In Canada [Posted 28 August 2019, 23:03] https://www.huffingluepost.com/?id=93 On Minds+: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1247128030499250176?referrer=T... View More
Realm Of The Mental Midget Slayer
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
Wow never saw this til now, #Slate's hack writer here, literally claims that people have a right to some State or Cathedral endorsed Marriage. The "I need validation from Government to have a committ... View More
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