

Tri Com
Listen to some of the pork in this GND they are going to pass, IF WE THE PEOPLE do not stop it!! #SaveAmerica #FightBack https://youtu.be/SCWGQi0U30U
Jorge Saez
We are prepared to confront those who seek to take away the right of self-defense. We #FightBack for the constitution.
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Heidi M Parker
What happens when we jump with NO RESEARCH Marjorie Taylor Greene should also research 501(c)(4) non-profit foundations. I am not #FightBack. The foundation operates through the members of its Boar... View More
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Tri Com
Tri Com
??????????????? #RESIST #Strikeforfreedom #Strike #FightBack #DoNotComply JOE BIDEN "MANDATING" Vaccination Requirements under FEDERAL LAW ANNOUNCED TODAY! Biden has issued this requirement for ALL F... View More
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Equal Justice for ALL
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Deborah Taylor
Equal Justice for ALL
#FightBack#SaveAmerica ?? Never take the bait !!!! ?
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Equal Justice for ALL
I never imagined we would EVER be HERE! #fightback #saveamerica
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Tri Com
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