

Orlando Ramos
THIS IS A FACT! BIDEN HIMSELF SAID IN A SPEACH. #BidenCheated #BidenCheated. ... View More
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Voter Fraud/Election Interference
Good Morning! *PA - #CertificationHalt UPHELD *AZ - Legislative Hearing Sched WI - Petition on 150k ballots going fwd NV - Evidentiary Hearing Sched... View More
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Ray Malave
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Ray Malave
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Patriots should be SUPER cozy right now. If you are not, here's why you should be. The plan is unfolding precisely as it was designed to. We have maximum sheep attention as We expose voter fraud. Tr... View More
Robert farrow
Guess who isn't censoring the news? Orbys.net! As Parler is to Twitter we are to FB. Try us out free in the app store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.orbys.android #bidencheated #C... View More
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