Jerry kruger likes this.

Jerry kruger
? ?

June 21, 2023

Jerry kruger
June 21, 2023
Not only are #Unvaccinated people flooding across our #SouthernBorder but so are criminals, terrorists & people with other #CommunicableDiseases. The #Left need to get their heads out of their butt ho... View More
John Burke
White House Press Sec Denies Unvaccinated People Can Walk Across Southern Border https://valiantnews.com/2022/08/white-house-press-sec-denies-unvaccinated-people-can-walk-across-southern-border/
White House Press Sec Denies Unvaccinated People Can Walk Across Southern Border
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre has claimed that people can't walk across the US-Mexico border unvaccinated.
Iván Ramos Toretto likes this.
I don't give a fuck what #JustinTrudeau thinks of me, if I am #Unvaccinated I was more likely convinced by statist rhetoric and policies like his. I know many who are this way. Maybe it's a lack of leadership, maybe it's the iron fisting he and Provincials give people. #cdnpoli
Golok Z Buday likes this.
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#Unvaccina... View More
EMERGENCY WARNING: Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’
EMERGENCY WARNING: Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated Earn FREE SHIPPING & double Patriot Points when shopping during our early Black F
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