Still want to buy an EV? Here's a Tesla charging line in #California:
#EV #Charging #Tesla #EVLife #ElectricVehicles #Cars #Autos #ElonMusk https://t.co/ThrewJNvFi
Electric vehicle charging line
Jerry kruger likes this.

Jerry kruger
wait until the batteries get old ion these, you will be stopping every 50 miles
July 6, 2022

Erika Blas
Jerry kruger they'll regret buying the cars when they find out how expensive it is to replace them
July 6, 2022
Freedom Isn't Free: The $44 Billion Dollar Cost of Liberty! #twitter #freespeech #elonmusk #tesla #china #jackdorcey #globalism #infowars #censorship #cancelculture #donaldtrump #thomaseddison #albert... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents White Wednesdays Freedom Isn't Free The $44 Billion Dollar Cost of Liberty
Join the freedom lovers panel, and as we discuss the $44 billion dollar cost of freedom, the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter, and the battle to restore free sp...
Jerry kruger likes this.
Cliente Satisfecho!!!
Nuestro Cliente Alfredo Bernard de Guaynabo Satisfecho con su Instalación de 14 Placas con la Bateria Tesla.
✅0 Pronto, 0 Por Instalación y 25 Años de Garantía
Llama al 787-678... View More
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Sometimes the universe has a sick sense of humor...
#TheFreeThoughtProject #Tesla
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