

CH4M3L30N C0D3
CH4M3L30N C0D3
Network(1976) What do you see? Look at the details, no detail is insignificant. #LearnBeforeitisTooLate #Truth4All #SimpleTruth #KnowledgeisPower https://clouthub.com/v/tP6Ud9px
CH4M3L30N C0D3
CH4M3L30N C0D3
Todos Juntos Por la Verdad
CH4M3L30N C0D3
CH4M3L30N C0D3
If you don't get the message. That's okay. Someday you'll get it, but the sooner you do, the better. ?#Truth4All #SimpleTruth https://youtu.be/1AfWDl1FjI8
CH4M3L30N C0D3
Wake Up People! #SimpleTruth
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CH4M3L30N C0D3
Rob Roos MEP to Elon Musk just express the #SimpleTruth about #Censorship & #Disinformation about #Covid19 . "Power to the people" means #Knowledge is #Power & #Freedom . And #Real People always say... View More
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CH4M3L30N C0D3
Preste Atención: La inmensa mayoría de los puertorriqueños son conservadores. El problema es que NO lo saben, porque han vivido oprimidos por ENGAÑO. Edúquense y apoyen a los que REALMENTE los represe... View More
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