

Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
Dino Porrazzo
Dino Porrazzo
David R Klampert
Eleven minutes here that I also recommend people listen to, #voterirregularities #dominion #smartmatic THE FIGHT G... View More
Voter Fraud/Election Interference
Worse than that, the evidence will show that #Dominion and #Smartmatic were created for the precise evil purpose of rigging elections for corrupt rulers. And the companies are foreign owned, created w... View More
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So from video President Trump released earlier on the Guy explaining the #dominion machines and how hackers can get into these copy like machines to #dominionvotingsystemsfraud to commit fraud using o... View More
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Gail Whitcomb
Easy peasy
Like November 15, 2020
Voter Fraud/Election Interference
?? LOOK HERE,??? PODESTA EMAILS TALKING ABOUT SMARTMATIC, PRE PROGRAMMING MACHINES, AND SOROS. "Machines will be humming in november" says Todd Macklerr... View More
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