Join us on the front lines of black central command in the on going information war for a much needed debate. As the radical left has used bait and switch going from white supremacists to black supremacists to spearhead all of their diabolical globalist plans, many fail to see that black faces put in charge of old time white globalist schemes does not lesson the deadly end game one bit!
where once black Americans where outraged with police brutality, and a out of control prison planet/police state, they are now ok with this tyrannical new world order dystopia as long as the tyrants running it are black! Michael Byrd the D.C capital police officer who shot and killed Ashly Babbit is a murder, or at least he would have been if he were white! If you disagree with me, and you believe that Michael Byrd is a hero as he has been dubbed by the fake news MSM, and radical left I am calling you out to a debate! Bring nothing but the facts to the scholastic showdown. To the winner of this prestigious debate goes a cash app award beginning at $100 and up. Are you up for the challenge?
#QueenMaatGirlTv #MichaelByrd #AshleyBabbit #PoliceState #Murder
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Re-streaming now! A epic live wrongfully deleted by the YouTube Gestapo cyber police! #progun #louisvillekentucky #civilrights #usconstitution #nra
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays America Strikes Back Against The Global Gun Ban Agenda
Join us for another epic freedom lovers panel. America is winning against the globalist radical left deep state cabal gun ban! Johnathan Sapirman was a total loser, and the fake news wont harp on this incident because a American patriotic hero stopped the gunman, and saved countless lives! Lets also control the narrative patriots as we investigate these false flag shootings, or the globalists will!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #JohnathanSapirman #AmericaStrikesBack
Operation Fast And Furious: Obamas Bloodiest Scandal. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13435637-fast-and-furious
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The Greatest Threat & Tyranny In American History: Alvin Bragg!
The Greatest Threat & Tyranny To America: Alvin Bragg!
George Soros puppet Alvin Bragg is the greatest threat and tyranny to America this nation has ever seen! Braggs prosecutorial misconduct, a persecution of Trump disguised as a prosecution is just the latest tactic the enemy of America is using to meddle in , and change the outcome of our elections. This evil treason brings with it dire consequences for America as a nation, and the liberty of all American citizens! They have set their sights on Trump, and all American citizens who put America first because their reign of rulership and terror over us has been exposed, and is coming to an end
#QueenMaatGirlTv #alvinbragg #trump
Team Trump: Text Trump tp 88022.
Support Trump and the maga movement at
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Trump 2024: The Test Of A Man!
Donald John Trump had a great life, he did not have to run for president, but he did out of love for his nation and fellow American citizens. A sinister evil known as globalists and the deep state ran by political hacks, tyrants, communists and radical left democrats have attacked Trump because he became president, and puts America first. Now they are trying to destroy him with a crooked, corrupt and treasonous indictment from a state prosecutor bought and paid for by George Soros.
All of this after 2 sham impeachment attempts, the Russia Russia collusion hoax, the faked Steel dossier, a phone call to Ukraine, phony tax fraud investigations, Trump corporation investigations, indictments of associates/supporters, the non select January 6th committee investigation, and a hush money payment scandal allegation! All of this is being done to prevent a Trump 2024 presidential run, but Trump has only gotten stronger, and We the people have fallen more in love with him. A real man in the arena backed by God will never break, or give up. Trump is that man!
Team Trump: Text Trump to 88022.
#Trump2024 #trumpindictment #queenmaatgirltv @queenmaatgirltv
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Help mt to defend Trump and America! #infowars #fakenews #tyranny #maga #trump2024 #alvinbragg #georgesoros #queenmaatgirltv #stormydaniels #hushmoneypayments #witchhunt #god
Defending Trump And America: The Office Of The President Is Under Fire!
We are living in catastrophic, and dark times as American citizens in America. Attacks on former presidents, the executive branch of Americas government, weaponized department of justice, and a rouge judicial and partisan out of complete control FBI pose a threat not only to former US presidents, but future presidents and the American people. Our liberties, constitution, and republic have slipped into a banana republic of leftist woke tyranny and imminent slavery for all if we do not act. Let's examine the bogus charges against Donald Trump and expose the witch hunt for what it really is.
Now is the time to cast aside all of your political biases against Trump, understanding that where we are going is not the best way to keep or defend our republic, the greatest republic/nation on earth which has given freedom to so many American citizens.
#QueenMaatGirlTv @RealDonaldTrump #alvinbragg
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Globalists Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Left Loses Climate Change Cred With Inside Nuke Job In Ohio #eastpalestineohio #insidejob #globalism #queenmaatgirl #climatechange #globalwarming
Globalists Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Left Loses Climate Change Cred With Inside Nuke Job In Ohio
Join me on the front lines of the information war, as I expose the radical left globalists climate change hoax in the wake of the inside job on East Palestine Ohio!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #eastpalestine #InsideJob
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I Told You So: The Biden Conservative SOTUS Response! #queenmaatgirltv #maga #saveamerica #infowars #fakenews #sotus #newworldorder #globalism
I Told You So: The Biden SOTUS Response
Join me on the front lines of the information war, as I offer an epic "I told you so" conservative response to the Biden SOTUS!
#QueenMaatGirlTV #joebiden #SOTUS #ConservativeResponse
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Black On Black Crime Knows No Bounds: Black Lives Don't Matter To Blacks. The Tyre Nichols Murder! #TyreNichols #blm #queenmaatgirltv
Black On Black Crime Knows No Bounds: Black Lives Don't Matter To Blacks. The Tyre Nichols Murder!
Join me on the front lines of the information war for another scholastic teachable moment, and a I told you so moment. Black Conservatives are vindicated, and the Queen is always right. This podcast will examine, and unpack the hidden psychology behind the murder of Tyre Nichols, the global agenda, why black on black murders dont matter to black people, and more!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #TyreNichols #BlackOnBlackCrime @theurbandemographic
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Live replaying last Wednesdays broadcast in an effort to build up my backup channels watch time, subs and get monetized because globalist big tech YouTube has demonitized my flagship channel, and hit ... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays The Globalist Move To Destroy The American Economy!
Welcome back to the freedom lovers patriot Wednesdays open panel. Topic: The globalists continued use of black people to destroy America! The WalMart shopping while black lawsuit is just another example of the deep state using unaware black people as their foot soldiers, and secret police to destroy America and usher in the new world order!
THE HOMELESSNESS CRISIS AND CRIME IN LOS ANGELES: https://esfandilawfirm.com/homelessness-crisis-and-crime-in-los-angeles/
‘Shopping while Black’: Walmart ordered to pay Portland area man $4.4M for summoning police on bogus charges: https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2022/08/shopping-while-black-walmart-ordered-to-pay-portland-area-man-44m-for-summoning-police-on-bogus-charges.html
Walmart ordered to pay $4.4 million in ‘shopping while Black’ discrimination lawsuit https://thegrio.com/2022/08/22/walmart-ordered-to-pay-4-4-million/
@QueenMaatGirlTv #queenmaatgirltv #globalism #economy
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QueenMa'atGirl Vs. Urban America: Are You Tired Of Democrats Yet? Or Are You Their Political Slaves Foe Life?!!! #QueenMaatGirlTv #Democrats #MidTerms #SaveAmerica
Queen Ma'at Girl Vs. Urban America: Are You Tired Of Demokkkrats Yet? Or A Leftist Political Slave?
Its debate time once again patriotic America! Topic: Are black, and brown people tired of the democratic party yet, or are you their slaves?! If You believe that the radical left democrat party is good for black and brown people, can proof it, and you disagree you are the democrats political slaves, I'm calling you out to a debate! The winner of this debate will receive a $100 cash app award. Are you up for the challenge?
#QueenMaatGirlTv #Democrats #midterms
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