

The Black Jester
#LasVegasGP's Track looks truly #LasVegas. Someone's fucking an animal. #TheBlackJester #Formula1
Jerry kruger
This was my first night at the Roma, TX border. There is nothing that stops the flow of migrants coming in. Disease, rape, drug smuggling is rampant during crossings. Truly the humanitarian crises of ... View More
Tri Com
Be on the lookout for a false flag in LV on 1/26, 1/28, or 1/30. https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/tfr/d/las-vegas-role-players-needed-disaster/7265097564.html #Lasvegas Disaster Training... View More
ANTIFA vows to burn down #LasVegas. Don't let them. Stand and fight. Sisolak and Titus just stand by and wink and nod. Where are they denouncing this? Where are the laws to prevent such a travesty?... View More
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