

Kenneth Mac
As the Senate begins its impeachment hearings today, the charge of “Inciting an Insurrection” against President Trump is falling apart. New video documents the moment when black-clad #Antifa supporter... View More
Kenneth Mac
The Biden Administration is willfully and permanently undermining the economy and the future well-being of the citizenry as well as trampling on the Constitution with an unprecedented avalanche of exe... View More
Kenneth Mac
Transparency thwarted by Wray? Two weeks after Trump declassified Russia memos, most STILL aren't released! http://bit.ly/3jp3wCh #KoupKluxKlan #ColorRevolution #ObamaGate #SeditiousConspiracy #Sub... View More
Kenneth Mac
Words matter. That’s why nearly every left-of-center media outlet is consistently using the word “insurrection” or even the more inflammatory “coup attempt” to refer to what happened at the U.S. Capit... View More
Kenneth Mac
CoverUp? Durham probe shifts its focus to the FBI - Comey will walk? http://bit.ly/3oG4X09 #KoupKluxKlan #ColorRevolution #ObamaGate #SeditiousConspiracy #Subversion
Kenneth Mac
Not only are #JackassJoe & his handlers pursuing a Marxist agenda like their Democratic presidential predecessor Mommy-Jeans, but they are utilizing some of the very same corrupt political figures in ... View More
Kenneth Mac
Over the weekend, RINO Senator Mittens got completely destroyed after he tried criticizing Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia for her support for former President Donald Trump. http://bi... View More
Kenneth Mac
Dirty Ex-FBI lawyer Clinesmith given probation after guilty plea in John Durham probe http://fxn.ws/2L3GFzC #KoupKluxKlan #ColorRevolution #ObamaGate #SeditiousConspiracy #Subversion
Kenneth Mac
Tacky Psaki: Jackass Joe Can Reach ‘"Unity" with Trump Supporters While Fascist Show Trial Goes On http://bit.ly/3iSgwjx #Impeachment #KoupKluxKlan #ColorRevolution #ObamaGate #SeditiousConspiracy ... View More
Kenneth Mac
Storm? WHAT Storm? Trump picked a fight against the global deep state. He had them on the ropes but didn’t deliver the knockout punch. http://bit.ly/3sSWE4H #KoupKluxKlan #ColorRevolution #ObamaGate... View More
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