

Erika Blas
We lost a great fighter of #MedicalFreedom, #FreeSpeech & #VaccineInjuries. #DrRashidButtar passed away on May 18, 2023. He was among the many doctors who were censored for speaking out against the #C... View More
CH4M3L30N C0D3
Dr Chris Shoemaker on how research was done 15 years ago on how to treat the next SARS outbreak. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were identified as anti-viral and immune modulatory for SARS related ... View More
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CH4M3L30N C0D3
Like December 17, 2022
Erika Blas
Erika Blas
Erika Blas
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Donald Hogue
Can't get #Ivermectin? #Zinc & #Silver helps prevent and fights #viruses! I got you covered contact me today and save $25 with a FREE gift card.
Robert farrow
BREAKING: The @US_FDA Is Using The @USPS To Stop & Destroy Packages Containing #Ivermectin Being Mailed To Patients! Source: @AaronSiriSG https://t.co/wHuBHSieBx
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robert shewey
Got to make sure people are poisoned and not saved. STOP complying with communism. STOP getting the shots. START living like the FREE AMERICANS that you are suppose to be.
Like December 13, 2021
John Burke
Damon Gang
The Resistance 1776
BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW!! w/ Dr. Bryan Ardis #Remdesivir dangers and the Fauci hospital protocol killing people. Use #Hydroxychloroquine or #Ivermectin ... View More
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