Temple Mount.... my fathers' house.
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#ShabbatShalom to all, may you have a great and fantastic weekend. HaShem bless you all and your families and be safe.
I leave you with some beautiful #Shabbat songs!
#HouseOfDavid / #CasadeDavid
#Shi... View More
הפרויקט של רביבו - מחרוזת שבת The Revivo Project - Shabbat Medley
להזמנת הופעות: 050-5506505
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#ShabbatShalom to all my Jewish friends and to all my friend have a great and sweet weekend.
#HouseOfDavid #CasaDeDavid
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Sending love, thoughts and prayers to all the families of the Mount Meron religious bonfire-lighting ceremony for the holiday of Lag Ba'omer during this difficult time.
Please accept our sincere sympa... View More
In Lag Ba'omer Mount Meron stampede 45 killed, at least 150 injured
Emergency and security services are working to save the injured and identify the deceased.
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