

Samuel Saldana
Temple Mount.... my fathers' house. #HouseOfDavid #Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai
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Samuel Saldana
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Samuel Saldana
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Samuel Saldana
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Samuel Saldana
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Samuel Saldana
#ShavuaTov & Chag Sameach! Have a great week & Happy Shavuot! #HouseOfDavid #Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai
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Samuel Saldana
#ShabbatShalom to all, may you have a great and fantastic weekend. HaShem bless you all and your families and be safe. I leave you with some beautiful #Shabbat songs! #HouseOfDavid / #CasadeDavid #Shi... View More
Samuel Saldana
#ShabbatShalom to all my Jewish friends and to all my friend have a great and sweet weekend. #HouseOfDavid #CasaDeDavid #Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai
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Samuel Saldana
Shavua tov! Have a great week! #HouseOfDavid #CasaDeDavid #Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai
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Samuel Saldana
Sending love, thoughts and prayers to all the families of the Mount Meron religious bonfire-lighting ceremony for the holiday of Lag Ba'omer during this difficult time. Please accept our sincere sympa... View More
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