#FauciLiedPeopleDied He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Say it isn't so?
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#FauciLiedPeopleDied He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Say it isn't so?
Fauci Needs to Be Prosecuted
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#Ivermectin #Cure #BannedMedication #Banned Medicine #AffordableCure #COVID19 #Plandemic #Scamdemic #Hysteria #Tyranny #Lies #FauciLiedPeopleDied #TheyLiedPeopleDied
The COVID pandemic was entirely unnecessary. Cures were available. The medical profession is responsible for the murders of huge and growing numbers of people
As I wrote not long after the “Covid pandemic” hype was underway, there were two known preventatives and cures: HCQ and Ivermectin. This known medical fact had to be suppressed by Fauci, Big Pharm
Iván Ramos Toretto likes this.
#Ivermectin Cuts #Covid #Mortality by 92%, Major Study Finds – Why is it Still Not Approved?
#COVID19 #BanningMedicationThatWorks #Plandemic #Scamdemic #Tyranny #TheyLiedPeopleDied #FauciLiedPeopleDi... View More
John Burke
Ivermectin Cuts Covid Mortality by 92%, Major Study Finds – Why is it Still Not Approved?
https://dailysceptic.org/2022/09/03/ivermectin-cuts-covid-mortality-by-92-major-study-finds-why-is-it-still-no... View More
Ivermectin Cuts Covid Mortality by 92%, Major Study Finds – Why is it Still Not Approved? – The Daily Sceptic
Regular use of ivermectin led to a 100% reduction in hospitalisation and a 92% reduction in mortality from COVID-19, a major new study has found. Why is it still not approved?
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Buyer's remorse after believing the liberal propaganda about the #WuhanFlu & making their children become #GuineaPigs by giving them the #COVID19Vaccine
#CoronaVirus #CoronaVirus19 #COVID19 #Hysteri... View More
Massive BACKLASH building as parents realize covid vaccines KILLED THEIR CHILDREN
For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people a
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It's called the #flu & thousands are always in trouble because the #flushot has been #ineffective for about a decade or so. Ok, ok. I'll be fair. It's had a low efficacy rate.
#AnthonyFauci #COVID19 ... View More
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Freaking arrogant POS needs to go now & be charged for all the lies he vomited on the people of our great nation. He won't have to resign. He'll be fired. #FauciLiedPeopleDied! #CrimesAgainstHumanity!
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He already admitted that he lied so there wouldn't be a run on facemasks by the public & healthcare facilities could obtain them for healthcare workers. A lie that was not in the best interest of the ... View More
I would boo him if I was in the graduating class he's speaking at. What a disgrace. But it was a political decision. Full interview https://www.clickondetroit.com/health/2022/05/12/full-interview-dr-anthony-fauci-shares-what-hes-learned-throughout-the-covid-pandemic/
Those supposed masks that "helped" almost killed me. I couldn't make it down the hallway at work. My oxygen was low. My cardiologist took me out of work
Gloria Kruger I know. I can't believe your work made you double & triple mask. What were they thinking?! ? I pray God makes a heart available for you.✝️?
Gloria Kruger
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may soon recommend all Americans wear two masks to enhance their protection against coronavirus, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday.
Erika you need o watch the video i just did live so much info in it ...
#Fauci #FauciEmails #COVID19 #JustSayNo #FauciLiedPeopleDied https://odysee.com/@RazorFist:1/the-two-faces-of-fauxci-a-rant:4
The Two Faces of Fauxci - A Rant
Fauci had a bit of a week.
Check RazörFist on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RAZ0RFIST
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All signs indicate mail in voting will be the end of fair elections in the US. Many postal workers are leftist activists, so add one-way bias to list of issues: incompetence, lack of speed and efficie... View More
Arthur & Craig Recap Dr Corsi NEWS: Weekly Broadcasting for the Week of 08-17-20 to 08-21-20
All signs indicate mail in voting will be the end of fair elections in the US. Many postal workers are leftist activists, so add one-way bias to list of issues: incompetence, lack of speed and efficie
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