

The time do something is now. Read this and see how the government is violating and taking our freedoms away. . . #freedom #fjb #letsgobrandon #usconstitution #americafirst #fightforthetruth #wealld... View More
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This is amazing. I already pre ordered mine. Harrys has lost my business for more than a year when they started to go woke. . . #notowokecompanies #notoharrys #gowokegobroke #imhelping #fjb #lgb #cul... View More
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Alberto F Esperon
Let's talk to have you as a sponsor/Affiliate
Like March 22, 2022
Alberto F Esperon
I personally used Harry's didn't know that they were in the other side. I will love to start ordering from you this month
Like March 22, 2022
They went to the dark side exactly a year ago. When they stopped their sponsorship to Michael Knowles bc he said Trans Women are men. I also was a Harrys customer but cancelled as soon as this happened last year. Waiting for this to come out.
Like March 24, 2022
Whats the best definition of the word woman? . . An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and produces ova. The male and female of eac... View More
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Amazing. Rachel Levine has make history as the first man/woman to win Man of the Year and Woman of the Year for really doing nothing. . . #transwomenarenotrealwomen #biologicaltruth #chromosomesareim... View More
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Just an update for those that got screwed by a promise by a senile individual we will call Brandon. . . #letsgobrandon #Ididthat #wediditjoe #icecreamjoe #fjb #Americafirst #MAGA #USConstitution #red... View More
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Whats the price of gas in your area? Where I live is $4.09 per Gallon. An increased of $0.40 from las week. . . #gasprices #inflation #bidendidthis #fjb #letgobrandon #prepare #foodisgoingup #wagesa... View More
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