

Clifton Hodges
WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER FULL MOVIE The #plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did #Covid really spread, and did the #Satanic elite... View More
Clifton Hodges
‼ Attention #Kentucky (USA)‼ ☣SERIOUSLY!☣ The statistical data shown from #TeamEnigma is that more of the toxic and some that are lethal #bioweapon Covid-19 injectables, falsely referred to as #C... View More
Robert farrow
New Pfizer data shows that vaccinated suffered about 13x more often from Fever, Chills and Pain than the placebo group. #Covid #Covid19 #Corona #Coronavirus https://t.co/RdzjzbFPvQ
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Clifton Hodges
Pretty Please participate in my non-scientific Poll, "Do You Trust the #CDC where "#Covid-19" / "#Corona-virus" is Concerned?". Just select one, and click Submit, and that's all there is to it. ? For ... View More
Clifton Hodges
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Clifton Hodges
Clifton Hodges
Ann Vandersteel interviews former Pfizer employee and Whistle Blower Karen Kingston: from TS: 41:00 to 01:08:30 … https://www.steeltruth.com/home?wix-vod-video-id=933a6ac15f714cb7b05c37b6d40652b5&wix-... View More
Clifton Hodges
Is the "TRADE SECRET" (in the Jab Vials) that Bill Gates' referenced "Graphene Oxide"? Not listed in the U.S.A. Patents, but in is at least a couple of Chinese Patents. https://www.cliftonhodges.us/gr... View More
Clifton Hodges
DR. REINER FUELLMICH: A WORLD IN CRISIS June 5, 2021, Time Length: 1:07:03 with Activist Gal Shalev and Israeli Lawyer Tamir Turgal Posted for research and informational purposes, etc. that the public... View More
Clifton Hodges
AUSTRALIAN HAIRDRESSER BANS VACCINATED PEOPLE FROM HER SALON May 30, 2021, Length: 1:58 https://brandnewtube.com/v/NFfNZm #Vaccines #Corona #Covid #Plandemic #ScienceOverScamdemic
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