

Inconvenient Science News
Co-founder of Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore, explains how climate grifters exaggerate normal and insignificant rises in temperature to create the illusion of impending climate apocalypse. #ClimateSca... View More
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Inconvenient Science News
Australian geologist, Ian Plimer: "No one can show from the scientific literature that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming... We have built this whole empire based on something t... View More
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The Resistance 1776
Globalist Set to Launch War With Russia to Cover the Collapse of the Covid Narrative #AlexJones #AlexJonesShow #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #News https://www.bitchute.com/video/2e6rBPvoxPro/
How dumb do they think we are? Maxine Waters: I Have Never Glorified or Encouraged Violence Against Republicans Uh... Maxine? We've got it on video! ... View More
The Resistance 1776
#AlexJones: World Awakens To COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers After Violent Reactions And Deaths Surge #News #StopTheSteal #Agenda21 https://rumble.com/vcaxrd-alexjones-world-awakens-to-covid-19-vaccine-dan... View More
The Resistance 1776
The Resistance 1776
The Resistance 1776
The Resistance 1776
The Resistance 1776
#AlexJones HR4: World Awakens To COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers After Violent Reactions And Deaths Surge #News #StopTheSteal #Agenda21 https://rumble.com/vcap9l-alexjones-hr4-world-awakens-to-covid-19-vacc... View More
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