

Robert farrow
POLITICAL CENSORSHIP NOW APPLIES TO PRIVATE SPEECH Biden’s administration is now working with Big Tech monitoring EVERY personal texts of average Americans without obtaining a warrant. Of course thi... View More
Kenneth Mac
Supreme Court Strikes Down Comrade Newsom's Ban on Indoor Church Services http://bit.ly/3jrfg7C #Christians #Jews #Muslims #1A #RecallNewsom!
Kenneth Mac
Kenneth Mac
Jackass Joe's White House Wages War on 1st Amendment, ‘We Support the Need For Social Media Platforms to Take Steps to Reduce Hate Speech’ In English, "We want to force you to Shut the Fvck Up to EN... View More
Kenneth Mac
Despite the absurdity of persecuting people for the First Amendment right to express doubts, it is not just Democrats who are warning Republicans to shut up and get with the program. http://bit.ly/3i... View More
Golok Z Buday
#Freespeech on the internet, the #1stAmendment has to apply, like it or not, it exists because of a defense department program, and any use of it to censor is directly or indirectly state censorship. ... View More
Golok Z Buday
Talk about #Leftist #Math, #Facebook #Censors, #DueProcess, #EMailScams, #BBCDoctorWhoResponse, #SocialMedia, #PragerU, #1a, #4a, #8a #BBC #DoctorWHo #DrWho FB vs Huffinglue Post: https://www.faceboo... View More
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