Privacy, Medical Privacy, Abortion, Due Process.... https://www.golokzbuday.com/?id=422 #Abortion #DueProcess #ProLife #MedicalPrivacy #Privacy #VanEast #VancouverEast #PresumptionOfInnocence #cdnpoli... View More
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Bill C-10 and C-36 https://www.gzlfb.com/?id=411 #BillC10 #BillC36 #cdnpoli #canpoli #elxn44 #itsmyvote #Freespeech #DueProcess
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Jenny Kwan, You Saw Me Push This Issue Hard, Here's A Rough Bill For You.
https://www.thinkspot.com/feed/single_post?psid=kyudNv #jennykwan #pedophiles #corrections #cdnpoli #canpoli #vaneast #dueproc... View More
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This is totally wrong, presumed guilty for owning a car. https://trends.gab.com/item/5e8504446892d90f7b08d723 #dueprocess #presumedinnocent
Speed cameras now in place at 35 intersections across B.C. - BC | Globalnews.ca | Trends
Thirty-four of the 35 sites are up and running on a 24/7 basis as of Wednesday and warning signs are up to deter potential speeders and red-light runners.
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Hilarious Use of #Gradient: Facial Recognition https://www.goliberty.org/?id=277 #DueProcess #U4a #MtDNA #FacialRecognition
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Talk about #Leftist #Math, #Facebook #Censors, #DueProcess, #EMailScams, #BBCDoctorWhoResponse, #SocialMedia, #PragerU, #1a, #4a, #8a #BBC #DoctorWHo #DrWho
FB vs Huffinglue Post: https://www.faceboo... View More
BJM Ep030: Due Processing
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