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Female. Lives in Miami, Florida, United States. Born on March 24, 1954. Is married.
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Yo adoro USA y al presidente Trump lo admiro y respeto. Amo a mi familia y creo en Dios porque es la... View More
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Asesinos a la luz del día... *¡Las máscaras comienzan a caerse!* "¡El laboratorio biológico de Wuhan *es propiedad de Glaxosmithkline*, que (accidentalmente) es *propietaria de Pfizer!" (el que fabr... View More
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The pedophile in action
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El santo
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Jerry kruger
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We need president Trump back or this country will go to be down
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Biden’s mental capacity is very diminished. He has a slurred speech, which is very typical of stroke patients. He is not cognitively intact and I wonder how will he be able to handle the presidency o... View More
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The problem is not Putin and is bot Rusia, the problem is China communist and the globalists.
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