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Carmen M Perez

Carmen M Perez

Female. Lives in Manchester. Born on November 1. Is married.
About Me
I am an American of Puerto Rican descent, both my husband and I love this country the land of the fr... View More
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Journalist
Johnny Quiñones
Johnqcongress.com Follow Share Like Subscribe https://www.facebook.com/JohnQFL I see firsthand every day the economic disaster us Central Floridians are going through, whether it’s at the gas pump o... View More
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Jerry kruger
we will break up this corruption
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Erika Blas
Love it!
Like September 8, 2023
Like September 8, 2023
Altagracia Vasquez
Established in 2018, Grace Jewelries is a USA online store that creates various handmade ornaments for women and men ranging from earrings to collar stays. Grace Jewelries are proud supporters of Amer... View More
Jerry kruger
,  and 3 others likes this.
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Erika Blas
No. Nothing even close to a president. He's just for stupid people out to ruin our country.
Like July 13, 2023
Jerry kruger
Jerry kruger
Jerry kruger
473 Total views
Erika Blas
Both are equally deadly ?☠️
Like May 8, 2023
Jerry kruger
Jerry kruger
Jerry kruger
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