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Politics » Republican Party
Politics » Republican Party
Politics » Republican Party
Politics » Republican Party
Politics » Republican Party
Politics » Republican Party
Politics » Republican Party
Politics » Republican Party
Politics » Republican Party
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Jeffery DePrince
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Any Vote Fraud please report them to the Trump Campaign at 1-800-895-4152 BE SURE TO CHECK THAT YOUR VOTE HAS BEEN COUNTED 1000's of Voters Votes have disappeared!
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Watch this video for a Trump Campaign update please if you're still able to get on FB :)
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https://www.tiktok.com/@tukmer35/video/6892497466017467654?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjxHOVifsQ7%2FlV3KUfwBmG7%2BTByebNxMr%2BHg%2FgTZQ2l%2BYUN5taz4iuDN7awu8%2BqHyUUry8p2euaV5QzmulQaAA%3D%3D&language... View More
#duet with @frankandbeans23
DT for 2020 (@tukmer35) has created a short video on TikTok with music original sound. | #duet with @frankandbeans23
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Out smarting the Cashless Stores!
This is from Dave Ramsey, and quite brilliant!
Okay Kroger/Walmart/ insert cashless store here, your no change policy is going to cost you in the long run. I use cash for all my purchases. And I plan on continuing to do so. I don't need you to be a bank and hold my money on a card so you can draw interest on my money. And I sure am not going to donate to a charity of your choosing so you can then get a tax write off by using other people's money.
My solution is to pay with cash up to the change IE: the Bill is $23.35 I will give you $23.00 in cash and pay the remainder with a debit or credit card. The 35 cents owed you will now cost you a small fee and I will continue to have my change in my possession and not yours.
If everyone did this, I bet your business would find those coins quickly after only one day of service charges from your card processor
Copy and paste!!!
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With a sad heart, but with a heart that will not stop hoping and praying, and with faith in the Heavenly Father, today I kneel in prayer. Dear God, I’m asking You to put peace in the hearts of those who are filled with hate for this country and our president. I pray all plans to destroy this country will fail. I pray for the recovery of the patients with Covid 19 and for protection for those who have not yet suffered the infection. I ask you God for help to find what will end Covid19. I ask for the Holy Spirit to guide all people toward You and toward peace. And for the ones who don’t know you LORD, I pray that they will open their hearts and let you come in to their hearts. ?Thank you for all the blessings you have given me and my family. Keep us safe from harm and danger, sickness and disease and keep us mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually well. Lord I continue to pray that we become one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Give us the opportunity and the courage to teach others more about You and to love them where they are at. Bless and protect our police officers and military men and women. Take care of them and watch over them as we pray for the United States of America. AMEN!!!
I ask that you put this message in your status. Let’s do a prayer chain. Let us be in unity. May God bless us! God bless the USA! AMEN!!!!!!
Copy and paste and put it on your page!? ????????????????
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Now the police are arresting 12-year-olds for hate speech
Pre-teens who send racist messages need a slap or a talking to – not a set of handcuffs.
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A must watch and share Part 1 and Part 2-Help Save America! Help wake the people up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7zqDX6EHzI
HOW IS THIS STILL SECRET?! Military Insider Interview: SPECIAL OPS REVEALED [DS] Hidden Secrets Pt 1
documentary from James Red Pills America
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