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BREAKING: Legal Action About To Happen In Arizona!
https://thetruedefender.com/breaking-legal-action... View More
BREAKING: Legal Action About To Happen In Arizona! - The True Defender !
MAJOR ALERT If you thought that the Arizona audit would be just another brick in the wall of failure, you’re fooling yourself! Significant developments are occurring, and it seems that Biden didn’
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Have fun. Tell me all the bullshit you find .https://embed.documentcloud.org/documents/20793561-leopold-nih-foia-anthony-fauci-emails/
Jerry kruger likes this.
I already went through all 2,000 plus pages. Everyone needs to not depend upon others and just resd all of it their selves. Ive hsve the enails for the past three days. Tom sent sent them too me. I've been friends with Tom Fitton for several year's.
June 2, 2021
White House staff are actively discussing an exit strategy for Dr Anthony Fauci following the release of his emails yesterday, per WH official
The IRS To Gain Free Access To All Bank Accounts To Search Inflows & Outflows For Unreported Income
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Im a cashier. Only the banks say there's a change shortage. Yes the bank holding back hurts us but we have customers everyday paying with a buttload of change. They're trying to convert cash into plastic. They want to know what you spend and where you spend it and be able to take every penny you ha... View More
they want to make us go with digital money so they can cut us all off if we are not good little commies and do as they say, just like the vaccine
Welcome to the Muslim Fundamentalist Obama's America, and Mr. Luke warm Christian Biden's floundering and ineptitude
They'll make their home in your bedrooms next. Your children will be absorbed by the government's world religion the one that worships everything but GOD HIMSELF. God help the United States of America.
They are already doing that...they’ve been doing that...they will always be doing that until we rise up & say “ENOUGH!”
The FBI Invaded Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege, AGAIN | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 134
Don’t forget to comment below with your Common Sense and subscribe to my podcast at www.RudyGiulianiCS.com ► Connect with Rudy Giuliani on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RudyGiuliani ► Con
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Jerry kruger
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Hello all I am glad to be back. I created a youtube channel Twenty Nine Eleven. I would appreciate your support if you could subscribe and hit that notification bell.
I take different news clips and ... View More
Twenty Nine Eleven Twenty Nine Eleven
Hello my brothers and sisters I am finally back. I made a mistake in putting a wrong email. Admin corrected the issue which I am grateful for.
I started a youtube channel and would appreciate your su... View More
Strange End Time Events!!
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Please like our new page. We will post stories about Covid vaccination from diffrent part of the world.
Max News created group Covid19 vaccine
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