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Doctor Issachar

54 years old. Is single.
by on March 25, 2020
A Berkley academic that no doubt fancies himself an advocate of diversity, multiculturalism and moral relativism has proposed altering a variety of policies aimed at making the lives of those that dwell in rural areas uncomfortable. This is apparently punishment for individuals daring to exhibit the audacity to make life decisions other than his. His argument is that it is not efficient to extend the conveniences of twenty-first century existence to those living beyond the confines of conc...
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by on March 12, 2020
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has condemned the bestowing of the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Rush Limbaugh on the grounds that he is a “violent racist”. Limbaugh, even if some of the things he has said over the decades were of questionable taste, has never advocated acts of violence. That is more than can be said of those that Ocasio-Cortez associates herself with such as Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, and Ilhan Omar who dismissed 9/11 as some people just doing something. ...
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