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Carlos Alvarez Jr
Carlos Alvarez Jr
Carlos Alvarez Jr
Carlos Alvarez Jr
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Carlos Alvarez Jr
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Carlos Alvarez Jr
Si es Goya tiene que ser bueno!
Carlos Alvarez Jr
My opinion relate to statehood for Puerto Rico. Video is in Spanish. Thanks.
Carlos Alvarez Jr
I’m just saying
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Zully Weidisch
Los deben enviar a todos para una isla cerca de China y dejar a Trump tranquilo. Les debe dar verguenza.
Like July 11, 2020 Edited
Carlos Alvarez Jr
Carlos Alvarez Jr
Law Biden citizens in Chicago like me are sick and tired of nonsense gun control law in the city and fail “strategies” from the mayor. Let’s be tuff with the criminal and let federal help in for a sho... View More
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