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I see firsthand every day the economic disaster us Central Floridians are going through, whether it’s at the gas pump o... View More
Johnny Quiñones shared a few photos
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I see firsthand every day the economic disaster us Central Floridians are going through, whether it’s at the gas pump or at the grocery s... View More
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Have fun. Tell me all the bullshit you find .
Jerry kruger likes this.
I already went through all 2,000 plus pages. Everyone needs to not depend upon others and just resd all of it their selves. Ive hsve the enails for the past three days. Tom sent sent them too me. I've been friends with Tom Fitton for several year's.
June 2, 2021
White House staff are actively discussing an exit strategy for Dr Anthony Fauci following the release of his emails yesterday, per WH official
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In case you slept in late today and missed the news:
* 22 States join Texas in AG LAWSUIT
* Trump joins the fight w/Texas
* Trump asks Sen. Cruz to argue Texas case
* Hunter Biden's under Federal in... View More
Louis Daniel likes this.
Destapando el fraude, la corrupcion y la traicion al pueblo y al pais.
El teniente general retirado Mclnerney desvela qué es el Kraken: "Trump sabía lo que iba a pasar y tenía un plan"
El kraken es el apodo que recibe el Batallón de Inteligencia Militar 305º del Ejército de los Estados Unidos, según el general.
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La Merkel y las catastroficas consecuencias sociales y economicas para Alemania.
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Antifa amenaza a Trump y a sus partidarios con la violencia.....
Antifa amenaza a Trump
Antifa amenaza a Trump. Líder de Antifa amenaza a Trump y partidarios diciendo de atacar con armas si no entrega las llaves a Biden habrá sangre en las calles
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Dinero del PCC Chino sobornando los medios en USA.
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Denunciando amenazas por parte de los Democratas...
23-NOV-2020 Carta de Emily Murphy a Biden, Denunciando Amenazas - Divulgación Total
Comparte este artículo:Esta noche, la periodista Catherine Herridge publicó un tweet con una carta a Jor Biden, que se circuló a los medios, enviada por la administradora de la GSA, Emily Murphy, l
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