Golok Z Buday
on May 4, 2020 102 views
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Golok Z Buday
PSA: George Carlin - Germs and Immune System Something to think about, comic hyperbole aside, about how we react to COVID19. #COVID19 #Germs #Liberty #GeorgeCarlin https://open.lbry.com/@miscbj:f/PSAGeorgeCarlinGerms-and-Immune-System:7?r=8z7nXCPW3jBzg3CMT1zbatCSk4wskaVd https://www.bitchute.com/video/jdkstb000eeX/
1 person likes this.
Golok Z Buday
PSA: George Carlin - Germs and Immune System Something to think about, comic hyperbole aside, about how we react to COVID19. #COVID19 #Germs #Liberty #GeorgeCarlin https://open.lbry.com/@miscbj:f/PSAGeorgeCarlinGerms-and-Immune-System:7?r=8z7nXCPW3jBzg3CMT1zbatCSk4wskaVd https://www.bitchute.com/vid... View More
Like May 4, 2020