Took my child to see our chiropractor over his flat feet issues- and the doctor was masked up! He said he had gotten used to it and probably would continue, to which I pointed out, "Not good-that's wh... View More
Masks hinder child development!
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StopThePC is transitioning to our Telegram channel. Catch us there, Patriots- news at a glance
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Trump Judges Deciding On Section 230 Case
Trump Judges Ruling On Section 230 Case
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Larry Elder lawsuit #California
Larry Elder sues Calif. Secy. of State after he was excluded from ballot
Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breaking news and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health, Business, Technology, Politics, Sports.
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How did the Church get infiltrated- and why?
CHAPTER ONE: Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia...and in the Christian community.
. . In the last several years I have been coming across evidence of..."undercover" Luciferians, hidden Satanists. When I say "hidden" I mean...
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Brace yourself- more names-
Madyson Marquette:
Chuck Missler, Benny Hinn, Chuck Smith, Kenneth Copeland & Billy Graham I believe led the charge to selling out their churches to the ... View More
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