El poeta político
on June 16, 2020
The big clown”
This successful man, one of the greatest without any doubt, a high profile athlete who had reached the top of fame and glory in America and worldwide, a black American man who had made millions of dollars and possessed millionaires mansions, but shamefully with an empty cranial cavity, is being used by the radical left like many others jesters to advance a globalist narrative.
This socialist puppet pretend to undermine your rights telling you what to think and how to think, based on his empty and foolish ideology, This globalist agent pretend to silence you and me and undo 2016 elections threatening us with no playing anymore if President Trump doesn’t resign to the White House.
I really don’t know what kind of food or drinks or chemicals this man is consuming but definitely is affecting his poor and few neurons, not even you sr James or Beyoncé or Straiser or Winfrey or Hanks or De Niro, not even you Ricky Martin or shakira or JLO and more, none of you can change 2016 American people decision and desires for United States with your millions and clearly none of you could change 2020 elections neither.
You are an untrustworthy and easy to buy guy, you sell your talent, your physical conditions and your empty cranium to those who pay more, nothing new, left victims have been always the ignorant horses who they used to advance their hate agenda.
But today I invite you to think, even if is very difficult for you and your poor intelectual capacity, tell me sr James how it is possible that a black man have become a millionaire successful and even a legend in a racist country like USA? Do you know the country where I came from is gobernante by radical left and its athletes have to scape to have a better life or at least a decent one, because on the contrary they have to live their entire life as miserables with no dream?
No I’m pretty sure you don’t know, because your god’s status doesn’t allow you to look down and think twice on what you are asking for America, you and your arrogance don’t allow you to even study the real history of the humanity and no the narrative the left want you to impulse.
The end
Author: Vladimir Prieto Nunez
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