Whizby McCurdle
on December 31, 2020
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Jeffery DePrince
Good luck! I agree with your post. Republicans are a Cruise ship in an ocean of DEEP STATE SHIT! That is what we are up against. The left has done one hell of a job deceiving America and planting FAR reaching roots. The purge of DC is our only course of action. BOTH PARTIES HAVE GOT TO GO WITH NEW FACES VOTED IN!!!!!!!!
Whizby McCurdle
True. But you have to win your victories with the best candidate in the primary elections if you don't want the general election to be a choice of two evils.
2 people like this.
Jeffery DePrince
Good luck! I agree with your post. Republicans are a Cruise ship in an ocean of DEEP STATE SHIT! That is what we are up against. The left has done one hell of a job deceiving America and planting FAR reaching roots. The purge of DC is our only course of action. BOTH PARTIES HAVE GOT TO GO WITH NEW F... View More
Like December 31, 2020
Whizby McCurdle
True. But you have to win your victories with the best candidate in the primary elections if you don't want the general election to be a choice of two evils.
Like December 31, 2020