

Tabitha N Shipley
on October 3, 2020
Happy Saturday! Ever wonder why it seems the same things - not so great things - keep happening? It's because of your focus and attention to those thoughts. If you keep thinking and feeling you can't pay your bills, lack of money in your bank account - that is what will keep showing up in your life. If you keep thinking and feeling you aren't successful - that is what will keep being your reality. Change the way you look at things - and the things you look at change! Focus and thoughts are POWERFUL! Like attracts like. Change your focus - TODAY!
#pinkzebra #werisetogether #october2020 #waxwarmers #waxmelts #soywax #makingadifference #riseup #tabithashipley #teamzebraforce #workingfromhome #momboss #mombosshustle #entreprenuer #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmallshoplocal #makingadifference #appreciation #joinme #saturdayvibes #pinksapphiregoal #gratitude #changeyourfocus #getoutofyourownway #likeattractslike
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