Brandon J
on September 28, 2020
Bruh 😂
Dimension: 720 x 721
File Size: 60.61 Kb
5 people like this.
Bill Nichols
Lol, Bruv
Hellen Highwater
Lol. Or watch porn together...
Bill Nichols
Eeeeww...I've never got that shit. I am NOT homophobic but DAMN SURE am Hetero. Don't care what Anyone does or doesn't. But with what women have put me through 😉 and I still only desire Females. If I could be gay would have by now...lmao
5 people like this.
Bill Nichols
Lol, Bruv
Like September 29, 2020
Hellen Highwater
Lol. Or watch porn together...
Like October 1, 2020
Bill Nichols
Eeeeww...I've never got that shit. I am NOT homophobic but DAMN SURE am Hetero. Don't care what Anyone does or doesn't. But with what women have put me through 😉 and I still only desire Females. If I could be gay would have by now...lmao
Like October 1, 2020