Jorene Kay
on September 18, 2020
Interceding in prayer this morning, over needs entrusted to me, over relationships and marriages, church leadership and ministries, our nation and President, our seemingly chaotic weather...some pretty mountainous requests and petitions and God's humor stole in, making me smile "If it wasn't impossible, it wouldn't be a prayer request, would it?"
And it hit me! For most of us, if we didn't have needs that concern us, situations out of our control, how often would we really pray?
Think about it. How often do we just say "Thank you" for the price He paid on a cruel Cross for our sins, so that we could even consider entering the holy of holies? How often do we look at His creation around us and simply marvel at His intricate Handiwork? How many times do we whisper His Name in worship, just in awe at the blessings in our life? How often do we acknowledge His Divine Love?
We grumble, we complain, we beg, we argue-but do we praise? Or is our prayer life merely a series of 'gimmees' ?
God desires us to seek His heart; we were created for fellowship.
So the next time that trials come our way, that bring us to our knees, consider that He may be allowing out of control circumstances to show that He IS in control. And when He steps in and turns it around, no man can take credit for the breakthrough-He will be given all the glory due to Him.
What is in our control? Prayer.
Let's do it, Church. God will use willing vessels to make our impossibilities, possible
-Jorene Kay
In Album: Prophetic Words
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