10 years ago, the Lord called me into the Truth arena; intercessory governmental prayer. I felt so unprepared, so inadequate to the level of that Call.
Prior to this, I loved my country, but really wasn't into politics-the back and forth between conservatives and liberals irked me to be honest. I disliked the news, could care less about talk shows and was pretty hands off to anything pertaining to Washington DC.
Then we began seeing big names taking to the stage; not just unwilling to defend the unborn, protect our nation, advocate for their citizens, but outright defend and implement legislation that would forever and fundamentally change the foundation of our God founded America.
In 2008, a spark was lit beneath me, that became a roaring flame and despite my fears of the unknown, two years later, I gave Him my "yes", to being His Voice in the earth.
It was then that our Constitution page was born; spreading Truth, supporting righteous candidates and funneling prayer from our virtual "place of meeting" toward issues affecting our nation.
In 2015, I was on my face before God, a warring conflict within, as to where my vote should go. We had one candidate that would never in a million years get my vote-for pro choice stance and betraying our military, yet on the other hand, another who seemed to enjoy playground bullying, stoking the embers of arguments, and with no governing background-it felt like there was no good choice-maybe I would sit out the 2016 Election.
And then I heard His Voice, so clear in my spirit; it changed everything, "I have appointed and anointed him, for such a time as this-but My people have to do their part"
It was so transforming, that God began softening my heart towards this man He had chosen, whether I liked it or not, my opinion did not change this fact. I began to see him with new eyes, listening with new ears-policies over preference. Suddenly, I began seeing prophets emerge with multiple confirmations to the Word I'd been given- that on Election night I wasn't just peaceful to the outcome, but excited for what He had said! What a change God had done in me!
From rolling my eyes to deep intercessory prayer. From confused to clarity. From apathetic to patriot. From intimidated to vessel for Him.
Silence speaks volumes. If we want a free nation to minister in, we have to fight for her. We have to get on our knees and ask God what He would have us do.
Is there a government seat for the righteous to fill, child without a home, advocacy program to start, creative street worship to lead, adoption center to open, or the most powerful and effective of all- hearing His heart for the nations, bringing prayer points that He has revealed, to the Throne?
What would God have YOU do to occupy in His United States of America; establishing territory, taking back what rightfully belongs to His ambassadors in the earth, bringing His plans and purpose to a glorious "on earth as it is in Heaven"?
Whatever He has your name on, do it with all your might. Be the change you wish to see.
#2Corinthians520 #Amos0307 #Luke1019
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