Jorene Kay
on September 16, 2020
Your life at the moment may look like the back of a tapestry in weaving process. Multicolored threads run this way and that, criss-crossed chaos, layered over one path, then another-hurridly yanked off to begin another, knotted with finality. What looks like the end of a fragmented story, begins anew with bright color, happy loops and cheery intersections. It's not at all neat; dangling threads needing a trim, a messy pile of disorder. It looks like little progress has been made, enduring the process of restarts and corrections, but with each piercing of the cloth, a picture begins to form that you can't yet see.
The Weaver is excited to display His work; it's all over His Face-He can't wait to show you the masterpiece He is creating. Beaming from ear to ear, His infectious laugh invites the angels to join in the song of celebration.
Every stitch, every cut, every painful transition has formed the beauty you are about to behold.
He is turning the tapestry so you can see too-just you wait!
-Jorene Kay
In Album: Prophetic Words
Dimension: 720 x 720
File Size: 81.57 Kb
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