

Heidi M Parker
on August 22, 2023
Lord would want me to live life in its fullest So bottom sitting not allowed no way no how ( self pity ) Would want me to seek out help as I'm doing . Under homeopathy medicine and weekly counseling Doing full mental testing schelde toward end of October . Sadly they deny my disability I appeal Sadly no easy button can I report in on this post
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Heidi M Parker
Yes I'm asking for help Now PRAISE THE LORD my disability attorney is appealing the denial Not me appealing the denial as I've done in past Most are just one trick pony and will not appeal for their client They also should be fighting for their client until receive disability So also need to weed out the bad disability attorney I say hum ?
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Heidi M Parker
Like August 22, 2023
Heidi M Parker
Yes I'm asking for help Now PRAISE THE LORD my disability attorney is appealing the denial Not me appealing the denial as I've done in past Most are just one trick pony and will not appeal for their client They also should be fighting for their client until receive disability So also need to weed ou... View More
Like August 22, 2023