Erika Blas
on July 30, 2022
Dear Patriot family,
Our Patriot friend & brother, Jerry Kruger, is in the hospital. He had a few strokes & his heart isn't pumping all the blood out. The last stroke was a major one. He is scheduled for a heart catheterization on Monday, August 1, 2022, with possible stents &/or heart surgery based on the findings. He has trouble trying to text/type & that's why he hasn't been posting anything for a while. Feel free to reach out to him via his page or through his wife Gloria Kruger, who is also on Orbys. I'm sure he would like to hear from everyone even if he can't respond. By the way, he has regained a lot of his mobility functions but isn't 100% yet.
Please lift Jerry up in prayer for a complete recovery from his strokes & his upcoming heart catheterization/heart surgery on Monday.
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Gloria Kruger
Thank you for sending this. He needs prayers now. Now because of covid, I can't be with him on monday
Like July 30, 2022
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Erika Blas
I'm sorry about that. The whole story of events was scary. I can't imagine how you were able to deal with it but glad he's doing better.?✝️
Like July 30, 2022
Gloria Kruger
thank you, I did yell at him a little for not waking me up earlier
Like July 30, 2022
Iván Ramos
Lord Jesus I ask you for our brother Jerry Kruger take care of him and protect him always Amen ?
Like July 30, 2022
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Erika Blas
Amen. Thank you.
Like July 30, 2022
Roberto Lopez
Like July 30, 2022
Roberto Lopez
I didn't know that it was Jerry??
Like July 30, 2022
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Erika Blas
yes. I was surprised. Please keep him in your prayers for his recovery & procedure on Monday.
Like July 31, 2022
Roberto Lopez
Yes I will Erika??
Like July 31, 2022
robert shewey
Two years ago I had heart surgery too, so I know what you’re about to go through. The worst thing was, pushing the nurse's button to get a sponge bath from a beautiful Swedish nurse only to have a nurse show up who had a mustache and answered to the name Sven. We all know you’ll gonna pull through t... View More
Like July 30, 2022
Gloria Kruger
thank you for the kind words. I pray that everything goes well on Monday with jerry
Like July 31, 2022