Happy Saturday! Have you ever noticed the people that complain are the ones that never seem to get ahead and achieve their dreams and goals? But the winners are the ones that never complain - that see the good in every situation and are determined to RISE up always?! They never give up and they keep striving for more?!Winners train - loosers complain....... #riseup
YOU are in control!
#pinkzebra #ThinkBigger #August2020 #waxwarmers #waxmelts #soywax #winners #winnerstrain #tabithashipley #teamzebraforce #workingfromhome #momboss #mombosshustle #entreprenuer #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmallshoplocal #youareyouronlylimit #appreciation #joinme #saturdayvibes #pinksapphiregoal #gratitude #abundance #mindsetshift #mindsetcoach #looserscomplain
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